E-Mail Form
امکان ارسال ایمیل
<!-- Start of E-Mail Form JavaScript--> <!-- DESCRIPTION: This will send you an e-mail with whatever your visitor enters in the fields. INSTRUCTIONS: Place this entire script where you want the form to show up on the page. You can change the values (Name, E-mail, Phone, etc.) Just be sure to change that fields value in the script. See where is says, "document.ccform.name.value", that is for the input field "name". BE SURE TO CHANGE THE E-MAIL ADDRESS BELOW. Currently it's at 'you@yourprovider.com'. FUNCTIONALITY: Works in both Netscape and IE. ONLY WORKS IF THE VISITOR HAS THEIR E-MAIL SET UP ON THEIR BROWSER. --> <SCRIPT LANGUAGE=JavaScript> //Modified by CoffeeCup Software //This code is Copyright (c) 1998 CoffeeCup Software //All rights reserved. License is granted to a single user to //reuse this code on a personal or business Web Site. <!-- if (navigator.appVersion.lastIndexOf('Win') != -1) { dropline = "\r\n" } else { dropline = "\n" } function coffeemsg(form) { document.ccform.Message.value = ( ' ' + dropline + dropline + '-----CoffeeCup AutoMated E-Mail Form---START----- ' + dropline + dropline + dropline + 'Name : ' + document.ccform.name.value + dropline + 'Phone : ' + document.ccform.phone.value + dropline + 'Subject : ' + document.ccform.subject.value + dropline + 'E-mail : ' + document.ccform.email.value + dropline + 'Message: ' + document.ccform.message.value + dropline + dropline + '-----CoffeeCup AutoMated E-Mail Form----END------ ' + dropline + dropline + 'E-Mail Form JavaScript by:' + dropline + 'http://www.coffeecup.com' + dropline + dropline + dropline + ' FIELD VALUES: ' + dropline + ' ' + dropline ); } // --> </SCRIPT> <FORM name="ccform" method="post" action="mailto:you@yourprovider.com?subject=Message" enctype="text/plain"> <INPUT type=hidden name="Message"> <FONT FACE="VERDANA, ARIAL"><B>Name:</B></FONT><P> <INPUT type="text" size=25 name="name" onChange="coffeemsg()"> <P> <FONT FACE="VERDANA, ARIAL"><B>Phone:</B><P> <INPUT type="text" size=25 name="phone" onChange="coffeemsg()"> <P> <FONT FACE="VERDANA, ARIAL"><B>Email:</B></FONT><P> <INPUT type="text" size=25 name="email" onChange="coffeemsg()"> <P> <FONT FACE="VERDANA, ARIAL"><B>Subject:</B></FONT><P> <INPUT type="text" size=25 name="subject" onChange="coffeemsg()"> <P> <FONT FACE="VERDANA, ARIAL"><B>Message:</B></FONT><P> <TEXTAREA rows=5 cols=45 wrap="auto" name=message onChange="coffeemsg()">
Scrolling alert button
دکمه ای در حال حرکت
<!--This is a scrolling alert button. This example is for mail, but if you change the action = to a URL, it will also go to a site. Make sure to reflect the words on your scroll to match where you are taking them--> <form name="form2" action=mailto:saman_golestani@yahoo.com> <input type="submit" name="banner" VALUE=".......Submit......." onClick="alert('Here We go !')"> <br> </form> <script language="JavaScript"> // Modified by CoffeeCup Software var id,pause=0,position=0; function banner() { // variables declaration var i,k,msg=" Mail Mail MAil Mail MAil"; // increase msg k=(60/msg.length)+1; for(i=0;i<=k;i++) msg+=" "+msg; // show it to the window document.form2.banner.value=msg.substring(position,position+60); // set new position if(position++==msg.length) position=0; // repeat at entered speed id=setTimeout("banner()",150); } // end --> banner(); </script>
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